5/2/06 Daily Flow

I got up at 6:30 and got dressed.  I made/served breakfast and started the laundry. Cleaned the kitchen, started the chickpeas, and packed a snack for our morning walk. I made my bed, brushed my teeth, washed my face, fixed my hair, and brushed Boy #2's teeth. Finally we were ready to go.

Tuesdays are our nature walk day. I chose a natural park that has trails and lots of native plants. I wish the boys had slowed down, and especially stopped talking so much, but maybe that will come in time. It was a light hike (lots of climbing) and took about 30 minutes at their pace. My plan is to choose 3 different parks/trails a year and visit each one for a month in each season. One Tuesday each month we'll devote to a field trip.

The local grocery store was on the way home, so we stopped for jicama, which we forgot Sunday, and cinnamon, which we ran out of.

At home the boys had about 15 minutes free while I checked email and readied our school room (clearing my stuff from the big desk that is our work surface). Then we drew in our journals. I am actually very pleased with my picture, which was of a blossom we saw this morning. I realized, however, that I completely forgot to observe the leaves.

I spent the rest of the morning in the kitchen. I prepared a marinade and sliced some tofu to go in it. I made GF pumpkin muffins (just okay, not nearly as good as the zucchini bread). I made a batch of hummus and put the rest of the chickpeas away. I did so many dishes! I sat for about 5 minutes reading the mail before it was time to cook lunch. I cleaned the kitchen, then went over some financial matters with DH while the boys had quiet time.

I did lie down for about 30 minutes during their quiet time. I didn't want to get up again.

Time to tidy their room. Boy #2 absolutely would not help. After we were done I let Boy #1 know that he and I would do something special (spool knitting) this afternoon since he was so cheerful about tidying up and didn't complain about his brother's lack of help.

Snack time, and then math practice. We used pattern blocks. It is clear that Boy #2 has played with them informally much more often than Boy #1. He sees how they fit in more clearly and easily. They went outside for a bit, then came back in and played with the pattern blocks on their own, building Star Wars ships.

We "read" our fairy verse reader, then Boy #1 and I sat down to work on the spool knitting. It has been really hard for him, and today was no exception. He finally got the idea of pulling the loops over, but can't seem to wind the yarn. Of course, he's trying to do it right-handed like me; I think I'll see if I can teach myself to do it left-handed. I've also considered having him use the preemie hat loom I have so that he can see what he is doing. The spool is awfully small.

I spent over an hour making dinner, which was delicious. We ate, cleaned up, and went on a bike ride. Boy #1 hurt himself at the playground, so we came home and I gave him arnica and aconite, put ice on it, and then used an arnica salve. We were home early so we ran to the drug store to pick up a prescription (and Post-Its - I must have Post-Its!).

Bedtime routine went smoothly, although DH chose to read and then play ukulele (and sing) rather than read the whole time. They stayed calm, so it was fine. I grabbed a shower while he was reading/singing. We made the bed, then I lit the candle and climbed in to sing to them. I realized I'm actually enjoying the bedtime ritual much better now with the addition of the candle and snuggles. It slows me down so I don't feel like I am rushing through it anymore.

I updated tomorrow's daily list and now I am ready to relax.


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