Ancient Greece I Day 18

We finished our first Ancient Greek History block today with a review of what we had learned thus far. I was unprepared for just how much my boys already knew about Greek history; this has happened to me before. They really like history and have listened to The Story of the World volumes 1, 2, and 3 multiple times, plus T-Guy chooses historical documentaries when they are allowed to watch educational programs (J-Baby chooses science documentaries so it balances out). I'm starting to feel a little nervous about the amount of time I have planned for Roman history as the spent close to a year reading the book When the World Was Rome with Papa.

Still, I know it isn't about learning facts. What they will take away from this first block on Ancient Greece are the activities, especially creating a labyrinth and "bull" jumping. Hopefully J-Baby will forget the writing fiasco. I think they enjoyed the work we did with Pythagorean mathematics. Most of all we settled back into the rhythm of focused lessons.


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