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The First Time In A Long Time

It's spring. Southern California surprised us with late winter cold and rains, as if the groundhog actually knew what he was talking about, but today is sunny and pleasantly warm, with green leaves unfurling on the trees, and the first roses of the season showing fat pink buds that will explode open in a day or two. I realized today that I don't have a learning year to plan for this coming fall. Umm ... I'm not sure what to do with myself. My nest isn't emptying out; the son who took a gap year is still at home, as is the one who graduates in 11 weeks. They both plan to enroll at the local community college this fall, living at home to keep expenses down while they try to decide what majors might interest them. Already, my youngest has moved into the unschooling portion of his learning year. He did all of the same graduation requirements as his older brother, and so this year was always intended to be more student-led. He did some additional work in trigonomet...

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