I Am So Very Honored ...

... to have a post on mothering shared on Carrie's blog, The Parenting Passageway.  Carrie's blog has been such an inspiration to me and my mothering; I have been reading it from the beginning and I am still inspired regularly.  It is the first blog I think of when recommending a gentle parenting or Waldorf blog.  Go check it out, and be gentle if you read my piece and want to leave feedback.  I should have spent some time editing, lol.


Sarah said…
I had a busy week and I missed it, I'm glad you posted a link to it here. Yes, presence. Definitely something that I don't always provide, especially in that first hour of the morning. Yet I know that it makes a difference when I do. Makes me think maybe I should turn off my computer and go to bed, hmmm? ;) Thanks for sharing Kimberly, it was lovely.
Thanks Sarah. I appreciate your heading over there to read it as well as your kind words.

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