Grade 4, Week 8, Day 2 ~ Digging Deeper

I love the aha moment. That moment when a child (or anyone) understands a concept at a level that allows them to apply it to other problems. For instance, figuring out that 12 X 30 is the same as 12 X 3 X 10 and then being able to extrapolate that to any multiplication problem in involving 10s. Knowing how to multiply is far more important that memorizing answers (although we are still working on multiplication tables).

Yes, we're digging deeper into our math block. Papa and I sat together last night and looked at this block's material and decided that some of the Roman numeral work isn't necessary. So today we worked multiplication with 10s and 100s and the boys got it! J-Baby even decided that the trick for multiplying 9s is pretty cool and not cheating.

Workboxes today: journaling; math practice (addition and subtraction with regrouping); reading; language arts practice (parts of speech); main lesson, and Draw Write Now. We've put guitar on hiatus until the next block. This evening we watched more Oliver Twist and Papa read the next chapter in A History of US.


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