Who Am I Talking To?

If you read my blog, and you are wondering why I didn't keep it updated this week, there are two reasons. First off, I'm just trying to get grounded in the rhythm and I don't always have time to write. At times I feel like I am writing the same things over and over again.

But also, I rarely get comments (even though I know people read the blog). That should be okay with me, and it is, but it doesn't leave me compelled to write on a regular basis. If I am just talking to myself then at times I might decided to be silent. I do write mostly for myself, but I also know that when I started this journey I loved to read anything I could about holistic education and the daily rhythms. I have spent 7 years now trying to get the rhythms working for my family, adding bits and pieces and tweaking it to fit the natural rhythm we have in our lives.

This week actually hasn't been that easy, we fell off the rhythm pretty badly Wednesday and didn't completely recover yesterday. Even this morning we are a bit behind schedule (so why the heeck am I sitting here typing?). But yesterday I was tired and pretty cranky (too much wheat?) and today I have a lot more motivation and hope.


Blissfulbee said…
Hey Kimberly!
I read your blog, we have "met" on Mothering a long time ago and both are in the same place using Enki and having used a lot of Christopherus in the past year. My name is Kari and I also have a blog that is similar to yours, about our journey and other family oriented topics. Keep writing it is great to read how others are moving through this time, especially incorporating Enki.
I remember you! I almost never go to Mothering anymore...my time is so limited and I have always felt more at home at www.amitymama.com

Did you end up getting Enki guides and resources?

Off to check out your blog!
Anonymous said…
It's Me - and Yes, I read your blog. I'll be sure to comment now that I can.
Blissfulbee said…
I dont visit Mothering either, although I love the magazine, I dont find the board to really reflect the same attitude sometimes.
Yes I am using the Enki, we have everything that is available, and have ordered all the things that were recently made available. Im eagerly awaiting the rest of the first grade, and praying the second is done over the summer. I do the monthly conference calls with Beth, but I wish I could get on the yahoo list. I need to talk with people who have kids beyond the ages of the currently available curriculum to learn about how they are making ends meet etc.... :-) Anyway, Im excited to see you are getting back with the Enki and hoping you like what you get int he mail. The movement stuff is great!!!
I already had the guides, so I ordered all of the kindy resources and all of the available grade 1 resources. Hopefully Math and the Instruction Guide will be ready soon. I'm not in a huge rush for grade 2, as we've decided to slow down and not start grade 2 until next January.

I have my phone consult with Beth this Thursday.

Mothering is so huge, that there is a really diverse group and I would bet that a lot of people on MDC have never even read a Mothering Magazine (which has also changed over the years).

Part of the problem is that within the AP community there are so many overlapping identities, and not everyone fits every label. So you might be AP and crunchy, or not. You might be AP and a homeschooler, or not, You might be AP and liberal, or not. I know Mothering has reoriented itself as a "natural family living" magazine, which tries to incorporate many of the groups.

As for us, we are an AP, crunchy, vegetarian, earth-loving, holistic homeschooling, liberal and who knows what else family!
Kate, thanks so much for letting me know about the comments issue!

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