The Tooth Fairy Will Be Visiting Tonight...

Boy #1 went to bed with a tooth, but emerged from his room 30 minutes later having successfully yanked it out. It is his 6th lost tooth. The tooth coming in next to it has been pushing it out of place and making it looser and looser. The permanent tooth coming in is really big, and I fear he will have as crowded and crooked teeth as I have. I see orthodontia in his future.

Now the tooth fairy has to remember to come, and she must leave something cool. She always leaves a dollar, but it might be a Susan B. Anthony or a Sacagawea dollar coin.

Boy #2 lost his first tooth last November, and his 2nd a month later, but now nothing is even loose.


Blissfulbee said…
I have a craft for making a walnut purse for your tooth. Beth emailed it to me and I will forward it over to you.

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