A Little Friday Pick Me Up

We just got home from a week of vacation at the beach; however, it was a week with absolutely zero thrifting.  No consignment or thrift shops, no yard sales, and no antiques stores.  Oh, the shops were there, but this was a family vacation so we spent our time at the pool and beach.  I convinced myself that any Pyrex I might have found would have been ridiculously overpriced since we were in such a tony area.

After lunch today I told Papa I wanted to go to one antique mall and offered to drop him home first, but he came along with me.  I was determined to come home with something Pyrex and toward the end of my shopping I came across these two little babies.  They are lime green 080 individual casserole dishes and I found them in the same dealer booth where I found my 2.5 quart Daisy casserole dish.  I'm starting to know which dealers have Pyrex regularly.  These weren't a bargain at $4.95 each but they go for more than that online, so I feel okay about it.  I almost never see colored Pyrex at the thrift store.

These will be perfect for individual apple crisps or meat loaves.  The clerk wrapping my package suggested leftovers, but I had to laugh and tell her that I am past pretending that I will ever have enough leftovers to fill all the Pyrex I buy.


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