Grade 4, Winter Term, Long Division Block Week 2 ~ Day 2

Today we worked more with long division using single digit divisors. I think the boys are getting the concept, but it is somewhat slow. I have to remind myself that this is the block where the material is introduced and not expect mastery.

While discussing multiplication tables a member of the Waldorf at Home Forum (a paid membership forum) reminded me to do more than just oral practice with the boys, and also to work similar tables together. Today we worked 4s and 8s and I had the boys fill out a blank multiplication table. For T-Guy this is truly practice for mastery, but J-Baby is still working on his rote memorization. Already he has made great practice with his 4s now that I am asking him to recite them alone.

Now that I can see that our basic rhythm is working well I need to bring back guitar and regular hand work and other afternoon lessons.


Hey there. :) Thanks for the tips on Trofast. I am really excited about finally getting them. I have wanted them for many other things, so if I (like you) get into a rhythm and don't end up needing them, I am sure I will find lots of places to have them fit in our home.

I have a waldorf type question for you.... I feel the need for a little training in the area of teaching my kids. I have read every book I can get my hands on, have looked at blogs, etc... but I am still missing a bunch. I think my oldest is past it. But I have added tons of Waldorf to my youngers day and I enjoy it a lot. Can you give me book recommendations? And what do you think of Live Education for curriculum?



Hi Val :-)

My main background for reaching in a holistic manner are the core books from Enki Education (The Foundation Guides) and Christopherus (mostly the Waldorf Curriculum Overview, although I gained much from the kindy book and grade 1 syllabus). They are both very practical rather than the loftier Steiner lectures. Both are worth reading; the Enki is particularly wonderful and you might be able to find a copy of it used.

Alex is grade 8? (Not that grades really matter, what matters more is where he is developmentally.) Around age 14 you are moving into a different level (head) and the learning can be vigorous. From what I have seen the Waldorf high school curriculum follows rather closely what all high schoolers are learning; what would be different is how it is approached.

I think *everyone* benefits from Waldorf (or other holistic methods). My life is greatly changed for the better now that I have found a balance between hands/heart/head. Rhythm in the home, simplification and beauty in environment, community ~ they are all things that human beings thrive on.

I am just getting started with Live Ed ~ I now have grade 4 and will begin using it next week, although per Live Ed I am in a block that would be taught in grade 3 (not that any other Waldorf program I know of teaches a long division block in grade 3). I'll be blogging about our experiences with it.

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